Omega 3 fatty acids block fat storage and increase fat burning. It is anti-catabolic and can suppress the appetite.
Omega 3 shortens the recovery time of tired muscles and helps reduce water retention. It can also increase energy. All of these points are very helpful when losing bodyfat is a goal.
In addition, more positive benefits of Omega 3 include anti-inflammatory properties, improvement of thyroid function and immune system enhancement.
In fact, a lack of Omega 3 can lead to insulin resistance and possibly obesity. It is also useful in the treatment of high triglycerides, cardiovascular conditions, diabetes and skin, hair and nails.
Because Usana's BiOmega-3 comes with a high content of EPA and DHA, it can offer you great value for money too. Make Usana your 1st choice for a high quality, affordable fish oil to improve you and your family's health.
The Straits Times' Mind Your Body on 26 April 2006 named Usana's BiOmega-3 as one of only three brands available in Singapore which are listed as "Best Choices".
Usana follows pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and 100% Potency Guaranteed.
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